Literally what it means is Hugo the crazy.
I'm not really sure how to translate it where it's understandable and google translate isn't helping either so I guess it's like switching it around to make it the crazy Hugo? I dunno I'll go with that.
My dad was the one who came up with the name and with "Hugo El Loco" but I'm getting ahead of myself let me start with the basics.
Hugo's my one year old chihuahua who my sister happened to "find" wandering the streets( I'm pretty sure she broke into someones yard and took him while nobody was looking) and let me add on that he was the size of a cup when she found him.
And since then we've just kept him.
As cliche as this sounds, mans best friend is a dog.
Hugo's been my #1 since we got him and he's my everything but that doesn't mean he isn't a little asshole. He can be a little dick sometimes, he poops and pees EVERYWHERE! He's potty trained he just likes to be a little ass. He used to be a good little puppy but ever since the neighbor dog started running away and coming to our house, he's been teaching my little angel bad manners.
I remember before I went to work I caught them humping and peeing on each other, wasn't a pretty sight. And from that summer, Hugo's just been... Loco!
Stealing underwear from the laundry and chewing on them(ruined 2 of my undies!) peeing on the clean laundry, leaving me gifts in the house to clean up, stepping on his pee in the middle of the night with my socks on, barking at gods knows what late at night, peeing on my bed, and just making a mess.
I remember this one time I was on the verge of falling asleep until I woke up to my dad shaking me and telling me Hugo ran behind the fence to the ally while he took him out to go potty and couldn't find him so I jumped out of bed, running barefoot outside screaming out his name like a psycho and my brother points out he's behind the fence which is infested with over grown weeds and god knows what else. As I'm trying to shine some light to see if he's there, I see there's a god damn skunk in there too. Now, I'm panicking I'm thinking "oh my god, my baby's ganna get sprayed or get rabies from this skunk!" So at this point it's like a fuck it moment and I'm dead set in jumping in there, grab the stupid dog and somehow get my ass out of there before I get sprayed.As I'm about to grow some balls and jump in there, I hear the bell from Hugo's collar and it's not really coming from where I was so I'm thinking where's this little shit nugget at? Turns out he was under the truck the whole god damn time.
Moral of the story is never let my dad take out Hugo again.
Sometimes I can really hate Hugo but it's like Hugo's an idiot but he's my idiot. Hugo greeting me with puppy kisses when I come home makes it all worth it. I can't ignore everything he makes me go through but it makes me appreciate when he's being good and sweet. I guess this is my life now, coming home to a freak show everyday.
This made me laugh out loud so many times... still kind of laughing at your little sh*t nugget... ba ha ha ha.