Monday, January 12, 2015

Did someone say ... Food?
Coming home from school from the fiery pits of hell that is WHS and the crappy ass lunch food, all I can do is fantasize about how food can satisfy my tortured soul,
Piles of spaghetti, towers of fries, texas sized steak, buckets of fried chicken, glistening ice cream scoops, mouth watering tacos, stuffed to the max burritos! The possibilities are endless god damn it!

But then I realize my fridge only has a bottle of ketchup and a wheel of cheese...

So then I settle for whatever my mom made hoping it'll satisfy the tiny fat kid inside me.
Food is like crack to me, I'm always needing my fix, even when I'm not hungry or even when I'm stuffed to the max but that cupcake over there just looks too good to not be in my mouth and then I'm like "what have I done?!" and the fat kid in me is like "but it tasted so gooooooood". It's a vicious cycle I know...
Looking back, I should really have a hot steaming plate of diabetes but somehow I'm still alive. Sometimes I'm just too hungry to care what I put in my mouth, I'll practically eat anythings that's edible but I feel the affects when I'm actually trying to be active and it just don't sit quite well in my tummy.
But it's not like I've never eaten a salad or picked up an apple before but there's just some things I needa cut out, like the lunch food, that just has to goooo,
It's not going to happen overnight but it's a working progress. I will get those rippling abs one day!


1 comment:

  1. I can't even read this carefully... denying myself as much food as I want right now... sooooo traumatic. Laughing at the oxymoron of the tiny fat kid inside of you...
